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FREE Consultation
FREE Consultation
FREE Consultation
What to expect
Since the NHS has been under such great pressure there are no longer many skin lesions and issues that your G.P. will have the resources to tackle. We provide specialist, experienced care for a wide range of skin problems. Using lasers, IPL and Electrolysis equipment we tratet a wide range of problems. Contact us for a free consultation appointment where we will assess and advise on your skin issues.
Our diathermy treatment entails introducing the tip of a fine small probe into the tiny blood vessel and emits and discharging a tiny energy current. This high-frequency electromagnetic energy current creates heat. This warm temperature, in turn ‘dries up’ and destroys the unwanted vessel and closes up blood capillaries that cause blemishes, through a process called thermolysis.
Where skin tags are concerned, the energy emitted destroys the vessels ‘feeding’ the blemish depriving it of nourishment, resulting in its elimination. The skin tag is then quickly cauterized removed dependent on its size. There is very little pain involved and usually only one treatment is involved. You will be left with a small dry area where the tag was removed which then dries up and heals.
Post Care Advice
Do not touch or pick the treated area – this may cause an infection.
Avoid these points for 24 hours:
Hot shower/bath
Sun Bed/UV Rays
Fake Tan Products
Make – Up
Further Facial or Body Beauty Treatments over the area
Excessive Exercise
Do not use perfumed products
Apply the recommended cream by your therapist
Campbell de Morgan Spots
Named after Campbell Grieg De Morgan (1811-1876) a British surgeon who was the first to note Cherry Angioma or Blood Spots. They are as slightly raised and red in colour. They are mostly seen on the trunk in middle aged and elderly clients and are even more common with fair skins They are treated with Diathermy only. Larger ones sometimes requiring more than one treatment.

They can all be treated easily with advanced electrolysis techniques using diathermy (AC) which gently dries them up so that the hard keratinised centre is broken down and this may be absorbed by the skin or removed during treatment.
Milia can successfully be removed using a lance, however it can cause some damage to the skin. Milia can appear, on the eyelid , the cheek area and across the bridge of the nose or anywhere on the face or neck where dry skin is present. They can grow in size becoming harder as they keratinize . many people will find them attractive and an annoyance as they can be difficult to remove by yourself, sometimes impossible Some people may only suffer one and others exhibit a proliferation of them at any one time.
Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra is peculiar to black skin and is a common papular disorder which develops in adolescence. The lesions are often diagnosed as identical to seborrhoea keratosis above. and present as smooth, dome shaped, brown to black papules seen mainly on the cheeks, neck and upper chest. These are generally a very common disorder found on dark skins. They can be successfully treated using diathermy.

Lying very superficially under the epidermis milia present themselves as small white fatty like-epithelium plugs which contain keratin deposits and often show as hard, solid lumps lying in the superficial papillary dermis. They are of keratin and sebaceous material the lie within the pilo sebaceous duct, eccrine sweat duct, or the sebaceous collar surrounding vellus hair. Their exact cause is unknown although they are often related to diet with a high cholesterol, too rich moisturising cream and are also associated with dry skin sluggish skins where circulation is poor.

Sebaceous Hyperplasia
Sebaceous glands secrete what’s called sebum — an oil consisting of fats and cell debris — which helps lubricate the skin, and keep out foreign bacteria and other substances. This is what people are often referring to when they talk about having oily skin or hair.
Overactive oil glands can result in excess sebum production, creating conditions like acne or an oily scalp. You can find sebaceous glands near hair follicles all over your body, but they are most often on the back, groin, armpits, shoulders, and face.
Sebaceous hyperplasia is a benign condition where sebaceous glands, typically those on the forehead and nose, become enlarged with trapped sebum. This results in the appearance of shiny, benign bumps, that are depressed in the center with a yellow or white outer rim.
Those who have oily or combination skin tend to notice these bumps appearing after the age of 40, commonly found on the forehead and are usually flat in appearance.
Bumps tend to appear in clusters as the areas of your skin with more oil glands are more likely to get clogged and enlarged. While they’re usually small and painless these bumps tend to be considered visually unappealing.
Those with lighter skin tones who’ve had a lot of sun exposure are the most likely to get sebaceous hyperplasia as skin and oil glands are affected by sun damage.
Removal is by Diathermy.

Seborrhoeic Keratosis classified within the wart family, but these differ in that they are non contagious. They are often found on the face of older people and are usually brown in colour, dry, scaly, and crusty in appearance. They can be tiny or large even up to two inches across and can be removed with diathermy (AC) simply and effectively.

Skin Tags are almost always harmless. They can grow right on your skin's surface or hang from a thin piece of skin. Also called acrochordon, skin tags are usually flesh-coloured growths, although some can be darker in colour. They can show almost anywhere on your body, but are most commonly on the crease of your neck, underarms, or torso. About 25 percent of people will develop skin tags, and they are common at all ages. Many people have skin tags removed simply because they do not like how they look, but some people also suffer irritation when they rub against other body areas or clothing. Skin tags can be caused by the following –
Middle age
Friction from clothing
Patients with a metabolic syndrome or diabetics due to Insulin Resistance
Skin tags are removed at Erasure Skin using Electrical diathermy by a qualified therapist.

Spider Naevus
Spider Naevus a central dilated blood vessel not unlike cherry angiomas, with smaller capillaries radiating from it like the legs of a spider. They can be isolated or found grouped together and caused by slight trauma to the skin. be a result of a trauma to the skin. Certain conditions can make them worse including extreme heat and cold, obesity, pregnancy, stress or pressure on the area. They can be treated with Diathermy if small , often needing more than one treatment and/or larger treated with laser, especially on larger effected areas.

It is caused by an overgrowth of cells, it is associated with sweat. Typically found on the lower eye lid.
Telangiectasis Rosacea
These are also known as ‘broken capillaries’ or dilated capillaries The wall structure of the capillary cell are thin and dilate and constrict in order to control our body temperature. They sometimes become permanently dilated due to certain internal and external body conditions. The aging and thinning of the skin can exacerbate the overall condition. They can be unsightly to many giving the face for example a red flushed appearance. They can be found regularly on the legs due to general circulation. Especially with those in jobs where standing for long periods of time is the norm.
There are many causes for Telangiectasia including: ageing, pregnancy, hormones, smoking, extreme temperature conditions. They are very commonly found in fair type skins.
Both Thermolysis and laser can be utilised, but the latter is only provided by a few specialists in this field. Diathermy was more commonly used until the use of lasers for Skin rejuvenation purposes.
Laser is effective and less time consuming, being quick and effective.

Warts & Verruca are various types of warts some of which are contagious these can include flat raised or verrucas (plantar - on the feet). These are benign epidermal type tumours which are contagious (human papilloma virus) and can be treated at Erasure Skin. Warts can develop individually or in clusters and can spontaneously disappear. Raised and flat warts occur mostly on the face, backs of hands and wrists. Hygiene is of the highest importance to avoid cross infection and if not treated they may spread. Treatment is often by cryotherapy (liquid Nitrogen) or medicated applications. Diathermy as used at the clinic is carried out by a qualified therapist. This treatment is quick and effective.

A round or irregular in shape growth, typically found under the eye. Usually a result of high cholesterol.